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Company historyDrawing up your company history The work of companies always rests on two fundamental pillars: origin and development. Not only development as such, but the personalities who make up the company may create a very specific and unique sphere, which may be subsumed under the expression of business culture. Over the years certain traditions manifest themselves, supporting the growing identification with the company's philosophy; a combination, which promotes long-lasting and reliable customer-relations. In this respect, close interrelations between business culture and success on the market are generally stated. Immersing in the history of your company and drawing up a characteristic profile will uncover the positive effects of your business culture. I provide the following services:
Sometimes it may be advantageous, sometimes necessary to widen the angle of vision on your company, in order to see it embedded in more general socio-historic developments. Among others, the problematic issue of a responsible dealing with the National Socialist past of some companies - comprising both, their owners and their staff - may be mentioned here.
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